Be Courageous
"When I was younger I used to think that I had courage, and reflecting back I see that I was indeed daring and impulsive, but that's not courage. Courage is a willingness to step out of our comfort zone, stand in our own integrity, and speak our truth with compassion. It's being able to face the fear and not allow it to paralyze us, but to use it to spur us on to a greater purpose."
~ Deborah Paiva from "Heal Your Heartache"
Live Your Dreams
When we were children we believed that anything was possible. Unfortunately as we grew we developed many false beliefs about ourselves and what we are actually capable
of acheiving. We can turn that around though and we can learn to dream again...we can
learn to believe again...and we can learn to achieve whatever we desire as long as we change our beliefs about what is possible.

Deborah's book is available on Amazon...in both paperback & kindle versions. Click on the link above to go to her Amazon page.
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Deborah Paiva
Life Coach, Speaker, Author & Jazz Vocalist
Book Reviews:
"Deborah, I just finished reading your book. It is incredible. Your book just arrived, & I sat down to read it. Your insight applies to other aspects of life experiences & not just breakups, divorces & loss of a partner. I found it so enlightening. I do hope you plan to continue writing as an outreach in helping others in all of our everyday life experiences in this journey of life. Thank you."
Jane Bernal
"Deborah I just finished your book and want to tell you how impressed I am. Even though I basically knew what it was about, it is actually more powerful than I was even expecting. You're also an excellent writer."
Susan Joyce Proctor
Add Value to the World
There are so many people that don't have as much as we do, and they need our help, but sometimes we are so caught up in our own issues and challenges that we forget to be grateful for what we do have. When we finally see that, then we can look around and find somewhere that we can share our love. We don't have to have a lot of money or even a lot of time, we just have to have the desire to share love. We can make someone's day by just being there to listen. We can see someone smile because we acknowledged who they are. It's so very simple and so very powerful at the same time.
Practice Gratitude
Feeling grateful creates a higher vibration in us, because we are all enegy. In that higher vibration we have the ability to manifest what we want like great health, a rewarding career, a loving family, and wonderful friends. We can find something to be grateful for each day: our comfy bed, the roof that protects us, our children, our pets and our happiest memories. The more we find to be grateful for the more we'll notice how truly wonderous life is, and life will improve every day.

"The book is terrific Deb! I love it. You did a unbelievable job.This book can help a lot of people. Everyone has experienced a loss of some kind. This could be a start of a self-help series. I’m going to suggest it to other people. I am so happy you did this. You are a part of my awakening."
Marisa Brennan
"Your book is absolutely wonderful! I wish we had both had it to read when we each needed it years ago! You are an amazing author! I am so proud of all you have accomplished! I am so blessed & proud that you are my good friend! Looking forward to your next book!!"
Sharon DeFoer
"In her book, Deborah opens her heart with true life experience to open our heart and mind and the hope of healing."
Kathy Bohrer